::18th April 2014::
This is the travelogue of my Cherry Blossom Date with my Buyeo Jagiya in Spring 2014^^. How did this trip to Korea started? It was a long story which was filled with a journey of mysterious coincidence and prefect timing^^…ㅎㅎㅎ First of all, it may never happen if I didn't become such an ardent fan of my Buyeo Jagiya since last spring 2013 after I watched him in CDDA on Astro Channel^^ His "hiccup case" didn't affected my views, support and love for him as a fan but in fact after watching CDDA, I thirst for more of his works and eventually watched all his past dramas and his debut Korean movie COM in within less than a month!…ㅎㅎㅎ
I last visited Korea via Seoul and Busan in Summer 2006 so this time, out of some thrill…I just booked my flight to Busan last July and asked if my Onni is interested to join me as she is also a great fan of Sihoo Oppa & Korea of coz^^….so six family members including both of us was confirmed on the AirAsiaX flight to Busan for Spring 2014…counting down everyday from that day I reserved the flight when my Buyeo Jagiya was declared innocent and a free man legally…! That's called perfect timing…yo?^^~ㅎㅎㅎ Time for some celebration~!^^…Kapshida~!!!^^
We boarded the flight early morning on 18th April, 2014 at 01:15am. There was a group of about 20 Korean ajummas returning home after their vacation in Malaysia with their local male Korean tour guide so that was our first interaction with Oppa's fellow countrymen^^~ㅎㅎㅎ Judging from their conversation, it was obviously they were from Busan^^ There was a few Korean stewardess servicing us with fluent English and we were quite impressed^^…ooohhh…yeppun yoja…my thoughts scurried to Oppa…Anduehhhh…so many pretty Korean ladies is too intimidating…(>.<!)…The night flight was pretty cold for me so I couldn't really sleep well but the rest just doze off…ZZZzzzzZZz
As the Captain of the flight announced we are going to land….in BUSAN…ooohhh…I was feeling extremely excited after such a long time, I am finally back in Korea for a reason!^^ I peek out and the happy sunrise that greeted me with a mischievious brightness that glare back at me with a …ANYEONG HASEYOOOO…Welcome back to Korea!!!…ㅎㅎㅎ
Our plane "PARK" at the runaway…ㅎㅎㅎ but when I was walking out with my hand luggage in tow, I looked to my right hand and this scene make me smile…aigoooo….was that Korean Airline next to the Thai Airways??…wasn't that the "Twins" set from Sihoo Fandom out there teasing me…?? ㅎㅎㅎ who else but Sihoo Oppa and Khun Nikki who shares the same birthday!!!…ㅎㅎㅎ Oh, Nikki^^~ if you are reading this…Captain PSH has finally landed Mei Park in Busan safely!
We collected all our luggages and proceeded to the information counter to ask the direction to the Domestic Airport to transit to Jejudo. We just followed the instructions, came out, turn right, crossed the road and walked towards the right hand side connected building! Voila!^^ At the entrance, all of us headed directly to the restroom to resfresh ourselves, brushed our teeth and changed our overnight clothes ready for a hearty breakfast upstairs^^
I could remember the cafe upstairs where I ate before in my previous visit. They upgraded the interior but the food remained the same. I had a Yukgaejang (beef beansprouts stew) for my breakfast which came in a set of a bowl of steaming hot local Korean rice and some Banchan …kongjaban , Ojingeochae bokkeum and of coz…my favourite kimchi^^
Mool (drinking water) is served free of charge in Korea with some sterilised stainless steel cups ready to use in a sterilising cabinet but since I was in Oppa's homeland, this foodie should try everything there is so I got myself a Corn Silk Tea which tasted nutty pop~corny^^~ㅎㅎㅎ
This is Busan Domestic Airport where Sihoo Oppa must have been numerous times^^ I went to toilet and came across 2 yeppun Korean Stewardess who were refreshing themselves after a overnight flight. They were brushing their teeth while chatting^^…something I frequently see on Korean dramas including Sihoo Oppa in QOR…Goo Yong Shik and his hygienic toothbrush frantic scene replayed in my mind….ㅎㅎㅎ I noticed the Koreans took their time to brushed their teeth extremely long for about 5~7 good minutes! I was pretty curious and when we were strolling around the shops downstairs waiting for boarding time, I bought a local Korean toothpaste and discovered theirs are much better in terms of taste and consintency, I could brush for a good 30 mins without feeling sore!^^…ㅎㅎㅎ Mmmm…that explains why Oppa has perfect and healthy set of teeth^^
We had 2 hours to transit so time to enter the boarding gate 11…my lucky number! The gate was at the end of right hand of the terminal near Cafe Pascucci where we had our lunch prior boarding the plane.
We had some toast with chocolate and cream, some panini breads with bulgolgi & ham fillings^^ Those mini garlic toasties was crispy and tasty really good! MashiseyoOOoo^^We also had our usual coffees…the Capucinno Mocha, Capucinno Caramel, Capucinno Latte and Machiato Latte, some pop sodas^^
These are rainbow colored chewing gums^^ They are too pretty to be eaten. I also bought green tea sweets. There so many cute choices of titbits to choose from, I had to spent sometime making up my mind which flavour I wanted! (>.<!)
Here is our route flying from Busan to Jejudo which is located at the most southern part of South Korea. I chose this destination besides Busan bcoz of Sihoo Oppa from his "Family Honor" role as Lee Gang Suk who appeared in Jejudo on his opening scene having some argument with poor Han Dan Ah. That was my most favourite drama of Sihoo Oppa although I met him through CDDA^^He appeared with 2 feeding bottles for his twins between 2 rows of cherry blossoms with a gorgeous smile at the ending scene as per the above wallpaper I created so I'm here to "date" Lee Gang Suk too^^ ㅎㅎㅎ
Look how close are Oppa's fans from Beijing, Qingdao, Nanjing, Shanghai, Fukuoka, Nagoya and Osaka^^
Upon arrival, we took a big van cab to our cute kasantobang Hanok which is situated at Seogwipo at the southern side of Jejudo. On the way, it rained very heavily and the low temperature blanket the whole island in misty weather. Despite the heavy fog, we could see rows and rows of cherry blossom like a painted picture along the roadside. The windy road trip tooks us about an hour to reached our Hanok and it was already almost sunset.
KASAN TOBANG literally means Edge Mountain Earth Room so it's actually Earthy room at the edge of the mountain. The whole exterior and interior are earthy tones built with yellow oche supposely healthy for our body. It gives us a "Sageuk and Taeha" of "The Princess Man" feeling staying there and we were transported back to 400 years back in time machine…the smell, the atmosphere, the senses, the sounds and the taste…

This is the rear exit near our unit at the back of the building leading to the restaurant and the Hallabongs & rose garden outside. The air was exceptionally fresh and crisp especially in the early mornings^^
Their homemade doenjang & kimchi in their urn collections for their restaurant. All served in their restaurant. Simply tasty!
That's where my "bang" (room in Korean) was with 2 tiny windows to open up and breathe in the fresh air early mornings^^
Dinnertime was near and we got ready after a quick tour around the building. Their restaurant was just behind the main building. That's the panaromic of the rear surrounding and the below is their famous Heuk Duehji (Black Pig) BBQ and Hairtail Fish Stew (Cutlass Fish).
Can you smell the Heuk Duehji sizzling away?….:P
Our yummy and crispy broiled tile fish…so sweet and savoury…we love the whole part of the fish including the crispy head^…ㅎㅎㅎ
Now you see it, now you don't!…ㅎㅎㅎ We love their hairtail fish stew so much we had it the 2nd night for dinner too^^
I ordered a bowl of spicy dongchimiguksu from the menu which stated as cold noodles just to try out since I miss my usual bowl of Naengmyeon back at the local Korean restaurant in Malaysia. Within a few minutes of sharing around so that everyone gets a taste of it, the whole bowl of noodles just dissappeared under my nose with alot of wooOO…and waaaaaa on my left, right and front!^^…I was left with about 2-3 tablespoon of the tasty and refreshing noodles with its icy broth slipping down my throat to my contented tummy^^~ ㅎㅎㅎ
Our first night's dinner ended up with some refreshing local Hallabong Maekgolli (Citrus Rice Wine) which is very famous and only available in Jejudo. It's very light with a citrus flavour^^
Geonbae to Sihoo Oppa for his return to work , his debut international movie "Scent" and our wonderful time in Jejudo tracking after his "scent"…*Gulp*…ㅎㅎㅎ
Next to DAY 2…
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